Monday, October 1, 2012

Halloween Costumes

It is officially October. For me, this means time to start thinking about a halloween costume. This is always a long, drawn out process for me. I can never figure out what to be until the very last minute. Like most people, I don't want to be something that is "overdone". I love dressing up, whether it is for halloween or a costume party, but I always struggle with what to be. Also, I usually like to make my costumes rather than buy them, if the time and my skill level permit me to do so. 

I prefer making my costume for many reasons, the primary reason being money. Homemade costumes are cheaper, and are just more interesting in my opinion, compared to store bought ones. However, they are much more work, and require must more planning.

2011 costume
Last year my boyfriend went as the monopoly man, and I went as his "mistress", wearing a dress made entirely out of monopoly money and tape. It took me FOREVER to finish and, unfortunately, as the night went on, I found that more and more money from my costume was disappearing (luckily I had thought ahead, making many layers and wearing shorts underneath) and at least $300 may have been left as a tip for the lovely service we received at Denny's that night. Don't worry, I payed with real money as well :)

So today I started on a search to find a costume that I would love. As of now, I am still looking. I started the same way I do every year: by typing something along the lines of "awesome halloween costumes" into google, a search which always ends up in disappointment.

I have found a few promising blogs, incase at last minute I need a back-up plan. I am still struggling to come up with an original idea of my own. Personally, I don't know if I can out-do my last year self with the monopoly dress.

So I want to ask those of you that still dress up for the occasion, what is the best costume you have ever seen, or favorite costume you have ever worn? Or how do you get ideas for costumes? All help would be appreciated!


  1. What a cute and original idea! I always struggle with this too, although I usually just end up giving up and handing out candy at my home. To be completely honest this has got to be the best costume I have ever seen, and I may borrow your idea for my boyfriend and I this year (with your permission of course). I hope you are able to find another great idea for this year! One idea I saw last year that I thought was pretty cute was two friends being salt and pepper shakers, just an idea though!

  2. Thank you very much! It took quite a while to make, but it was definitely worth it in the end. You are certainly welcome to use this idea!! The salt and pepper idea is fantastic! I love the idea of taking something simple and being that, rather than a character or something. Thanks for the idea!

  3. Wow, what a cute couple's costume! I am usually the one who hands out candy at home as well, Stephanie, (while my friends all harp on me for not dressing up!)
    Becca, I agree with you that it is challenging to find a costume that is not overdone or underdone- the choice requires a balance of something entertaining, original and wearable. It's even better if you can re-use parts of the costume for another year, but that doesn't always work out.
    I have seen some very 'inexspensive' costumes, ranging from an orange garbage bag with a Jack-o-lanter face painted on, to some very 'interesting' costumes such as girls dressed (successfully) as Ricky and Julian from Trailer Park Boys. ;p However, it can be difficult to come up with something that doesn't drain your bank account or time.
    For this halloween, my boyfriend has so far shot down all my requests to dress as a couple- don't worry, I will talk him into it. Some of my suggestions so far have been Mario and Princess from Supermario, or a couple from a movie, like Shrek and Fiona. But my all time favorite couples costume remains the 'old couple'.
    Some other ideas are cards (a pair of aces, etc...) or two puzzle pieces (these two are good because all you really need is cardboard).
    Good luck to the both of us, since all the parties will be this Saturday! Happy Halloween!
