Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Call of the Wild

Instead of posting about something crafty I have done, I thought I would share something someone much more talented than me is doing. Brittany Myhre, founder of Call of the Wild, makes earrings, headbands, and necklaces using wild bird feathers.

She attended her first craft fair a few weeks ago, selling some of her work. Below are a few pictures I took while walking by.

LOVE those headbands - so cute! (Myhre, Rebecca. 2010)

I not only admire the work she produces, but her initiative to get out and make a profit from her passion. When I walked around the Bowness Craft Fair, I was inspired by all the people who took time out of their day to promote their work, and amazed by some of the unique ideas I came across. It gave me inspiration to make more myself, especially now with Christmas coming up. Who doesn't love handmade gifts?? 

Myhre uses high quality materials to make her products, putting a lot of time, effort, and thought into every piece. She explained to me the challenge of finding feathers that not only match to make a set of earrings, but how the pair needs to have the correct curve and size, in order to look the best they can.

My favorite pair to date - I will be buying more soon :) (Myhre, Rebecca. 2010)

While she works on getting a website set up, Brittany is able to take orders via facebook. The page, "Call of the Wild", showcases her work, and she is also able to take custom orders at great prices.


  1. OMG these are gorgeous! The combination of the beads and feathers make these little creations really come to life. Your family is quite talented Becca. Thumbs up!

    1. Thanks Renita! I will be sure to pass along your kind words :)
